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Tajikistan is known internationally as a region of towering mountains, with clear waters and a sunny country. According to experts, 280-320 sunny days are registered in the country per year. This figure shows that there is a huge potential for solar energy production in the country.

The founder of national peace and unity, the leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, while delivering a message to the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan on December 21, 2021, spoke about the competitive advantages of the country’s economy, the production and use of “green energy”, and mentioned the attention of the country’s government to other renewable sources of energy. is beneficial, in this direction, the justification of 3 projects with a total capacity of 260 megawatts has been started, which will be implemented in the next five years.” According to experts, Tajikistan’s solar energy reserves are about 25 billion. kilowatt/hour per year.

Taking into account the reduction of the consequences of climate change, there are organizations, institutions and separate offices in Tajikistan today, which carry out specific activities in the direction of the implementation of the use of solar energy in agriculture. Association of Renewable Energy of Tajikistan and JSC “Sistemavtomatika” have directed their activities to facilitate living conditions in remote areas suffering from lack of electricity.

On May 12-13 of this year, within the framework of the project “Promotion of solar collectors and photovoltaic systems in the Zarafshan Valley”, the working group led by the head of the “Renewable Energy of Tajikistan” Association, Dilovar Mamurov, held meetings with the population of the village of Marguzor of the Ainy district and the villages of Dashtak and Padaski of the Maschohi district.

It must be admitted that Dashtak is a village located near the highlands (at a distance of more than 2500 meters above sea level) and has a cool climate. There are 26 farms living in the village of Dashtak, the main occupation of the people is farming and animal husbandry.

According to the story of a resident of the village of Dashtak Azizov Azizbek, who works as a teacher of primary classes in the branch of MTSU No. 12, on September 11, 2011, a small hydropower plant was built and put into use on the initiative of the leader of the nation.

There are 105 households in the village of Padask, including about 700 people. The main occupation of the population is potato growing, animal husbandry and beekeeping. A resident of the village of Padask told Niyazov Shamsulmahmad, whose main occupation was a house builder, that Padask is the oldest village in the Zarafshan valley and is famous for the Hisorak fortress. According to the story of our interlocutor, researchers from European countries come every year and conduct research work in Hisorak fortress.

Perhaps this is the reason why the people of the village of Padask are very interested in science and work in many fields in the capital city of Khujand and the center of the district. Children of Niyazov Sh. in the capital as a urologist, his daughter as a teacher and his daughter-in-law will also receive a diploma from the Medical University this year and will be active in the service of the people and country.

Niyazov Sh. He expressed his happiness at the training seminar and emphasized that most of the population did not know about solar equipment, and by receiving new knowledge from the educational event, they understood how solar equipment can help the economy of farms and prevent wasteful spending.

A resident of the village of Ghuzn Hamidov Mirzonozim, who worked in the environmental protection department of the Maschohi Kuhi district from 2009 to 2015, assessed the environmental condition of the district, especially the elements of the environment – air, soil and water – as clean and unpolluted due to the absence of industrial enterprises in the district. That’s why the fruits of this region (apricots, plums, apples) are very tasty. The livestock sector is also very well developed.

Mawsuf currently works as a consultant in foreign organizations for the implementation of environmental projects, he said that after the establishment of the mountain Mascho district in 1996, the population was 18,000 people, now the population has reached 23,000 people. New medical centers and schools are being built in the villages every year.

According to the conversation with Niyazov Sh. It turned out that the villagers are very careful about waste management, for example, leftover food (carrot or potato) is fed to livestock as a high-calorie feed.

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