We are starting a regional conference: “Prospects for the development of renewable energy in Central Asian countries”
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Regional conference: “Prospects for the development of renewable energy in the countries of Central Asia

Tajikistan has huge reserves of hydropower resources, which are estimated at 527 billion kWh. per year, but 95% of the economically feasible hydropower potential has not yet been developed. In addition to hydropower, there is significant potential to generate electricity from wind, solar and other renewable energy sources (RES). It should be noted that domestic and regional demand for electricity requires the construction of new and rehabilitation of existing generating capacities.The energy independence of the Republic of Tajikistan is a priority goal of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and this is noted in the National Development Strategy until 2030. In particular, in the section on the development of the energy sector, the main indicators are defined: 10/10/10-500, which means an increase in installed generating capacity up to 10 Gigawatts, a reduction in technical and commercial losses in networks up to 10%, an increase in electricity exports up to 10 billion kW. hour per year, as well as diversification of generation sources by 10% and additional production of more than 500 million kWh per year through renewable energy sources and the use of energy efficient technologies.Due to climate change and due to the fact that the hydrological characteristics of rivers are changing rapidly and river flows are seasonal in nature, as well as due to the limited ability of HPPs to meet the peak demand for electricity in the autumn-winter period, the issue of widespread development of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly relevant.Satisfying the growing demand through the construction of combined heat and power plants (CHP) is not always justified, due to the high cost of construction, as well as the high cost of coal mining. In addition, environmental problems and high requirements for emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases from the combustion of coal fuel, primarily CO2, do not contribute to the development of coal-fired thermal power plants.Taking into account the fact that all sectors of the national economy, respectively, and the well-being of the population depend on the development of the energy sector, it is impossible to imagine the growth of the country’s economic development without the proper development of the energy sector, including renewable energy sources.Thus, increasing electricity generation in the energy system of Tajikistan is an important factor on the way to the development of the country and therefore special attention should be paid to the promotion of renewable energy. It should be noted that in recent years, numerous renewable energy projects have been implemented for power supply and hot water supply of public and private facilities, including remote and high-mountain areas. However, there are a number of problems for the full-scale application of renewable energy sources, namely the lack of data on solar activity resources and wind speed, insufficient support from government agencies, the high cost of technologies and insufficient awareness of end users.In order to mobilize resources from the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, international and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and other stakeholders to achieve the objectives of the National Development Strategy of Tajikistan until 2030, the Regional Conference “Prospects for the development of renewable energy in Central Asia” can become a necessary platform.The main goal of the conference is to promote the development of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in Central Asia. To achieve the set goals, the conference will contribute to the solution of the following tasks:Determination of specific measures to support state structures for the improvement of legislation;Finding the most suitable business models aimed at developing renewable energy sources and attracting investments;Acquaintance with the best international practices for the promotion of renewable energy;Informing about implemented and ongoing RES projects and organizing a platform for cooperation.The conference will contribute to an in-depth study of the experience of the Central Asian countries in assessing solar and wind resources, and will also enhance the activities of these countries to develop the existing potential for the use of renewable energy. In addition, the event will provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and develop recommendations for intensifying and strengthening efforts to achieve sustainable development goals and objectives in the field of energy.The conference is organized by the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Central Asian Energy Project, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Renewable Energy Association of Tajikistan and the NGO Nerui Toza.Representatives of international organizations such as UNDP, USAID, AKDN, Aga Khan Foundation, World Bank, ADB, EBRD, as well as other international and regional organizations, international financial institutions, business circles, environmental non-governmental organizations,civil society, academic institutions and other interested parties. The Conference provides an opportunity for representatives of various delegations to organize their side events on issues of mutual interest. The working languages of the Conference are English and Russian (with simultaneous translation provided).

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